Do You Need Well Pump Repair Services?

HomeBlogDo You Need Well Pump Repair Services?

If you get your water from a well, then it’s important to keep your well and its pump in good condition. After all, if the well pump were to fail, then you would lose access to clean water. Our team at Barefoot’s Well Drilling and Pump Service has extensive experience working on wells, and we want to help you keep yours in great shape. In this article, we’ll go over a few warning signs to watch out for to determine if you need well pump repair services.

Do You Need Well Pump Repair Services?

  • Low Water Pressure – One sign you may need well pump repair services is low water pressure. When the water pressure coming from your taps drops, it means not enough water is reaching the fixtures fast enough to maintain your desired level of pressure, which in turn indicates there’s a problem with the pump.
  • Contaminated Water – Another sign something’s wrong with your well pump is water that’s dirty or contaminated. If the water emerging from your faucets looks dirty, then we encourage you to give us a call so our experts can inspect your pump. The well pump’s excessive strength, or the fact that it is sucking up not only water but also soil, is a common cause of this problem. Fortunately, with a few simple well pump repairs, your system will be as good as new.
  • Constant Running – A third sign you need well pump repair services is the pump running constantly. This usually indicates there’s a leak somewhere in your system, such as in the reservoir or the suction line, causing the pump to work constantly to prevent the water level from falling as water leaks out.